TV32 currently serves as:
The Panama Canal as represented by both a photograph and a TV32 screenshot (top) |
- the default COP for viewing AIS data in multiple African nations.
- the pilot navigation display for the Panama Canal and several ports in Central America.
- a rapid prototyping tool for the US Coast Guard Research and Development Center.
- the vessel traffic and system monitor for the Saint Lawrence Seaway Automatic Identification System (AIS) network.
- the display for the Vessel Identification and Positioning System (VIPS), a Department of Defense (DoD)-sponsored, secure, transponder-based surveillance system for use by harbor protection forces. VIPS integrates radar, AIS, and transponder tracks on a single harbor situation display.
- the prototype pilot and shore-side display for the Columbia River Pilots' AIS evaluation project.
- the display for the Maritime Safety and Security Information System (MSSIS) server, a project sponsored by Command Navy Europe / Command Sixth Fleet (CNE-C6F) and Component Command Maritime (CC-MAR) as an unclassified data network used to collect and disseminate commercial AIS transponder information.